Things of Interest

Monday, March 12, 2012

Taos: My Favorite Things (2 in a Series)

Enjoying the Wind Sculptures
It’s almost spring in the Land of Enchantment. And while this place may not hold the kind of magic that makes pigs fly, your lawn furniture just might. Depending on what part of the expansive Taos mesa you might live on, the winds can be pretty intense at times. And with the exception of mid-summer, there is almost always a good breeze on our part of the mesa.

So it’s not surprising that wind sculptures are very common here. On the way into (or out of) Taos there is a group of shops and galleries in the shadow of Taos Mountain, with a large group of wind sculptures sharing a meadow with some cattle. Often when I drive by there isn’t much activity, but this time of the year, the wind sculptures are usually singing along with the breezes. At times when the wind is strong enough, it can be quite a sight! I always look for them on my way back out of town, when I can have a better and longer look at them. Often in the spring, I am well rewarded with a big smile and a song in my heart. ~Aimee

Come visit Taos this spring!

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