Things of Interest

Friday, July 29, 2011

Movie Locations of the Great Southwest!

I have always loved the movies. I was raised up on the local Saturday double feature and late night TV classics. Movies are simply a part of my life. And that begins to explain this Special Feature: Movie Locations of the Great Southwest. But it goes much deeper than that.

In the early 1990s, “Movie Locations” began as a book project, but my agent and I could never seem to get if off the ground. I brought the manuscript with me when I moved to Santa Fe, because I was still working on it, but not too long after that my agent retired, and I got caught up in a myriad of other things. So, into the trusty file cabinet it went.

Last winter, I talked with Aimee about putting the project online... and here it is! Movie Locations of the Great Southwest: An Online Book by Jean. Bigger and better than it ever could, or would, have been as a printed book, this Special Feature now available on the Taos Unlimited and Santa Fe Unlimited websites, will eventually encompass over 150 movies (from the 1950s through the 2000s) and their unique Southwestern locations.

I consider myself somewhat of an expert on the movies of the 1950s and 1960s, and I have a massive amount of film info in my brain about films of the 1970s and 1980s, as well. I called upon Aimee to assist me with the later decades (1990s and 2000s), because that is her major area of expertise in regard to film. When Aimee has provided information on a particular movie/location, she will be credited for her contribution.

Well, I guess that’s it. Movie Locations of the Great Southwest has truly been a labor of love. I hope you enjoy exploring it as much as I did creating it. Now... on the to movies! ~Jean

Movie Locations of the Great Southwest!

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