Things of Interest

Taos Unlimited Website

Taos Unlimited is your one stop internet portal for all things Taos! Colorful history, scenic beauty, cultural arts and recreational activities combine to make this unique area one of the top-rated travel destinations of the Great Southwest.

Quaint adobe dwellings and panoramic views provide a backdrop for the ancient spiritual traditions which have long defined the multicultural inhabitants of this sacred land.

In more recent times, Taos has served as a hotbed of activiity for the counterculture: notable figures of the wild west, artist colonies, hippie communes and solar earthship technology have all featured prominently in redefining the Taos lifestyle. (And of course, there's the unsolved mystery of the Taos "hum.")

Taos Unlimited is designed to serve four distinct types of website visitors:

• Whether you are a first-time or frequent visitor to Taos, you will find all the information you need to make your stay here a truly enjoyable experience. Links to hotels, restaurants and recreational activities offer a variety of options, making your vacation planning simple and fun.

• As a Taos resident, you can use Taos Unlimited as an online resource. Browse local business websites where you'll find information at your fingertips 24 hours a day. Plan ahead and save time and money when you shop.

• If you are a local merchant or provider of services, your link on Taos Unlimited opens the door to new customers both here and around the globe. Our listing options range from a category link to a mini-webpage. Go worldwide with Taos Unlimited!

• For those of you who are armchair travelers, Taos Unlimited will provide you with the true Taos experience. From art colony history to chili–red or green, it's all here in colorful features and direct links to local merchant websites. Online shopping has never been easier!

Taos Unlimited: Web Portal To All Things Taos!